TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Spokesperson of Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI), Yendra Budiana, said that the banishment of Ahmadiya community in Srimenanti village, Bangka Regency, began after the community faced difficulties in obtaining ID cards.
“It began with ID card issue, and then moved to the issue that Ahmadiyah had violated Joint Ministerial Decree and had been accused to have caused unrest among other residents,” Yendra said at a press conference at Lynt Hotel, Petojo, Jakarta, on Monday, February 8, 2016.
Yendra said that the Ahmadiyah community in Srimenanti village had been having difficulties in obtaining ID card since 2015. According to Yendra, the head of the village was reluctant to issue ID cards for members of the community due to pressures from certain groups. “I don’t know who they are,” Yendra said.
Not only issues related to ID cards, Ahmadiya followers also having difficulties staying in their own houses because they have been asked to leave Srimenanti village by Bangka Regent Tarmizi H. Saat.
According to Yendra, Tarmizi, together with Bangka Regional Secretary Feri Insani, Bangka Military District Commander Lieutenant Col. Infantry Utten Simbolon, and representatives of the Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia group met at the Raja Lait Restaurant on Thursday, February 4, 2016 to discuss the plan to rid Bangka of Ahmadiya community. “Ahmadiya were not invited,”said Yendra.
Yendra said that Ahmadiyah did not receive any letter in relation to the Bangka regional government’s order to leave the village by Friday, February 5, 2016. The community also not allowed to meet with the Regent or other government representatives.