The desecration of an Ahmadi Muslim mosque in Kala Gojran, District Jehlum took place on 14 July by by the police, succumbing to pressure from members of the extremist group, Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP).
This deplorable act was carried out under the threats and campaign by extremist elements in the area aimed at targeting Ahmadi Muslim mosques. A few days prior to the incident, Asim Ashfaq Rizvi, a member of Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), openly threatened the head of police in Jhelum that if the minarets were not demolished within twenty days, he would mobilize people to forcefully bring them down.
Subsequently, on July 14, 2023, the local Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) summoned the management of the Ahmadi Muslim mosque and demanded the voluntary destruction of the minarets, threatening police action if they refused.
Despite the efforts of the local Ahmadi Muslim community to engage in a dialogue with the police regarding the legality of the construction of the minarets, their pleas were disregarded.
In a deeply troubling turn of events, a police squad arrived at the Ahmadi Muslim mosque around midnight. The officers confiscated the mobile phones of Ahmadi Muslims present and detained them briefly at the Jhelum City Police Station.

The police then proceeded to tear down the minarets, leaving the place of worship desecrated. Additionally, they completely damaged the CCTV system. After completing the destruction of the minarets, the detained members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community were released.
This incident marks the 10th attack during 2023 and the 45th attack on Ahmadi Muslim mosques since January 2020, highlighting the ongoing persecution faced by the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in Pakistan.
Last year alone, 14 Ahmadi Muslim mosques were targeted and desecrated, while in 2021, 14 mosques, and a further 7 in 2020.
Source: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK.